June 23, 2020
Ideally my day starts with a hot cup of coffee. I have my coffee and I’m unlocking the office door. “Hey Rhonda!”, I reply with good morning, then its “I need you to do me a favor”. So, I proceed down the hallway to see what my sweet resident needs. Whatever their need is, whether it takes 1 minute or 20 minutes, I do my best to meet their needs with a smile on my face. I look at the calendar, skype appointments, and my to-do list to prioritize tasks.
My first task is to hand out the Daily Chronicle. As I hand this out, I am greeting each resident. Often times, I engage in simple conversation with them about the hand-out, weather or encouraging them when they feel down about a situation or a family matter. I may be asked to change the channel on the tv because they prefer not to watch the news or just want to watch reruns of Gun Smoke.
It’s time to let the folks of CNRC know that we are watching a movie or engaging in the activity packet. This time I encounter problems with a TV, someone’s sock or shoe is off, clothes in disarray, or “how about a diet coke”., so this may take more time than I have allotted. I hope I am not late for the Skype appointment I have at 10:45.
Oh no, I am a tad late for the Skype appointment, but luckily, I have very understanding families. I grab the tablet and head to the resident’s room. I walk in the room, automatically this resident knows what’s about to happen and her face lights up. This brings me such a feeling of gratification to bring these folks together during this crazy difficult time.
After lunch, it gets serious! It’s hall bingo time! This is, hands down, one of the most loved activities. I have to make sure we play the full hour and it’s fair for both halls. BINGO!!!
SNACK TIME! They love the fresh baked, warm cookies. I just have to remember to bring 2% milk for the lady at the end of 300 and a diet coke for that one that always “needs” one. Everyone enjoys snacks and the CNAs are always there to lend a helping hand.
My day is over and I have clocked out. But wait, not yet, I hear, “if you’re going to the store can you get some…” Today was a good day because I was able to make my residents smile and be there for them. It’s not just my job but my joy!
Rhonda Little
Activity Assistant